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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Determining the bioavailability of a drug

Below I am inserting a hand-drawn graph.  It represents two plasma concentration (PC) versus time curves, using in one case an oral dose of a drug X and in the other an i.v. dose of the drug (same amount in each case).

1) Which curve (A or B) represents the intravenous administration?

2) What is the oral bioavailability of drug X - estimated?
Or, if you like MCQ's better - the oral bioavailability is about
A.  120%
B.   50%
C.   80%
D.   10%


  1. 1. curve A represents intravenous administration
    2. D. oral bioavailability is about 10% because the area under curve B is much less than the AUC of curve A.

  2. Graph A is the intravenous administration because it displays a rapid increase in PC. Using AUC of IV administration as 100%, we know that AUC of graph B ( oral administration ) is very little, about 10%? so I choose answer choice D.

  3. I agree with the first two posters!!

  4. 1. Curve A
    2. D. 10%
