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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Medication error risks

I just saw a report on Medscape that lists the 12 most common instrument-related errors occurring in medical practice/hospitals. Among those are medication/dosing errors when using infusion pumps. This is the text from the slideshow relating to this problem: make sure that you don't get into this sort of mess - ever!

Medication Administration Errors When Using Infusion Pumps
Mistyping information, entering it into the wrong field, and other data-entry mistakes can be dangerous or even fatal. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and others can contribute to errors. Medication orders may be illegible, drugs and solutions may be incorrectly prepared, and a medication may be given to the wrong patient.
"One way to avoid errors is to use a dose-error-reduction system," says Keller. "It has built-in limits, or guardrails. If a nurse enters a dose that exceeds the limit, an alert will occur to catch the error before it can happen."
It's crucial to determine the compatibility of the pumps with your safety systems. Get the names of other sites that have integrated the pump with information systems from the major providers. For staff who will be using the system, emphasize the importance of safeguards, and be aware of any resistance to new workflows and safety compliance issues. 

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